
The Body Toolkit Blog

'This Week Has Transformed Me - I've Never Felt So Good'


Having just spent a week at the retreat with another wonderful group of guests, enjoying some beautiful autumnal weather, the icing on the cake has been reading their comments about the experience.  I don't think I'll ever get used to just how much of an impact eating well, thinking well and spending time in this part of the Scottish Highlands can have... it really is incredible.  So, I am sharing their comments in case they might inspire you! 

“Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement this week, Katrina. The safe bubble you create here really helped me get through some difficult days.  Now at the end of the week I can really feel the benefit and it was definitely worth persevering! I have loved my time here and the retreat exceeded my expectations by far. I am leaving with a much clearer understanding about nutrition and a ‘be kind to yourself’ and ‘can do’ attitude!”   Mhairi

“Dear Katrina, THANK YOU so much for such an incredible week! I arrived wanting to ‘be healthy’ and ‘shift a few pounds’ and I feel like I have left with a degree in nutrition! The past week has absolutely transformed me and I am so excited about my new way of living :-). You are an absolute inspiration and you instantly make everyone feel at ease and welcome.  I have never felt so good... my cells are very happy with me right now!  And if I can do a week of juicing, who knows what else I can achieve... Thank you, thank you, thank you!”   Louisa

“Katrina, This has been an amazing journey for me and has opened up a new world of nutrition for me.  I feel optimistic about food for the first time in my 65 years – thank you for this.  You are a beautiful person inside and out, and I will recommend you to everyone!  Many thanks for the start of my journey.”   Margaret

“Dear Katrina, Thank you for a wonderful week.  I’m leaving a different person to the one who arrived and I’ll be adjusting not only my nutrition but also the way I view myself and my life.  You are inspirational because of your passion towards a healthy life, both physically and mentally.  Good luck with The Body Toolkit and its evolution. I’m glad I met you.”  Carole, Switzerland

“Katrina, I so enjoyed the whole experience – I felt like I'd been transported to another planet!  Having arrived with 24 health complaints, I am very happy to share that some disappeared during the week: 1) No dizzy spells at all. (I normally get these daily). 2) Sores at sides of mouth cleared up from day one, and I have had these for years. 3) No night sweats.  4) No sign of my rosacea.  5) No painkillers were needed for my Fibromyalgia.  6. I didn’t need my diazapam during the week.  (I normally have to take it most days for anxiety).  7. I didn’t have any panic attacks.  8. Fibromyalgia pain in feet is much better – I walk without thinking about it now.  9. I am now using magnesium oil on knees, elbows, etc., instead of Ketaprofen cream, and it takes away the pain.  10. Overall my fibromyalgia pain was less.  I was expecting to be a bit stressed, being out of my comfort zone, but I wasn’t at all.  I have no doubt whatsoever that this was all down to you, you have an amazing gift.  I have also lost 9lbs, which is a great bonus to all of the above.  Thanks again for all your encouragement and hard work.”  Susan

“You’ve created something very special at The Body Toolkit, Katrina, and it’s been a joy to be part of this week’s retreat.  You have a gentleness and calmness about you that made me feel relaxed and at ease from the minute I arrived, and your passion for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is infectious! I can’t wait to put into practice all that I’ve learned during our wonderful walks and our talks around the kitchen table.  Your affection for this part of the Highlands is lovely to see and I so admire your desire to put something back into this area to help it prosper. I’m returning home inspired, informed and in tune with my body.  Sincere thanks for all your support this week and best wishes for the continued success of your retreats. Love, Lynne”  Lynne, Switzerland

“Katrina, you are a joy to know and be around. The Body Toolkit is an amazing idea and I love all the facets of it.  Thank you for looking after us so well.  A quote that comes to mind when I think of you is ‘it’s a wonderful thing when a career and passion come together’.  Another... ‘success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it’. You’ve got so much talent and a delightful manner. You are amazing, what you are doing is amazing and how you are doing it, amazing. Love, Olivia.”  Olivia

The Body Toolkit award-winning retreat programmes share simple, yet powerful things we can all do to nourish the body, reduce stress and help ourselves to thrive. For dates, availability and prices for upcoming retreats:

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