

The Body Toolkit Virtual Retreat

Example 'Typical Day' on The Body Toolkit Virtual Retreat

On Waking Morning Detox Routine 
8.30am Prepare Breakfast Juice (or All Juices for the Day Ahead)
9.30am Breakfast Juice & Live Coaching Call via Zoom

12.30pm Lunchtime Juice & Pre-recorded Workshop 

3.30pm  Afternoon Juice & Pre-recorded Workshop 

6.30pm Evening Soup & Live Coaching Call via Zoom
7.30pm Prep for Next Day's Juicing (Wash Fruit & Veg)
8.00pm Optional Health-Related Documentary (for Inspiration)
9.30pm Evening Routine Before Bed

*Optional Activities Suggested for During the Day: Yoga, A Walk,
Exercise, Journaling, Reading, Meditation or Something Creative

The above is a 'Typical Day' for Sunday to Thursday - on the Saturday we would have the whole day to get organised at home, shopping for the fruit and vegetables and prepping the soups for the week ahead, then coming togther at 17.00pm for the first Zoom call of the retreat.


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